Monday, April 27, 2009

The Dental Diva's

Look at us! We are the dental diva's having a super good time at Outriggers this past Friday night! Always a good time with these gals! I love em'!

still trying to figure this blogging thing out

Blogging! Blogging! Blogging! Still trying to figure it all out. It's been several months now and I still can't get it down. Gonna try again...

Monday, September 29, 2008

Hip Hip Hooray...the Kids are Back 2 School

Finally, the kids got to go back to school today! It was almost like the first day all over again! It's been a rough few weeks, but life is getting back to normal! I must write more later...still trying to figure out this blog "stuff". ttfn~

Thursday, September 25, 2008

First Blog...Here goes...

Hi there! I've been debating a while on if I should be blogging or not! Don't really know too much about it, but here I go! We have just survived Hurricane Ike and life is returning to normal somewhat. There is still a lot of debris on the roads and in the neighborhoods, but I must say that I am so blessed! God is so good and I am so thankful for life! It's been a strange few weeks with the evacuation and all. However, we ended up on a wee vacation during the evacuation. We went to Bandera, Texas to a dude ranch. The kids had a blast. I was a little worried about my other family members that stayed back home. We didn't have too much personal damage. Actually, very minimal compared to a lot of people in our area. I went back to work the Tuesday after all the mess and hopefully the kids can get back to school next week.

Blessing to all~